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A member registered Aug 09, 2019

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Thanks! Not many people notice that kind of stuff.

I'm pretty sure the devs forgot to disable the filter option when importing character assets.

Quite fun and surprisingly polished. One thing, the difficulty curve was wayyy too spicy for me, I felt like each level was a huge jump in difficulty

Oof that's juicy! Really fun, but I see a few areas for improvement: 1) I really didn't like that it hid the mouse completely, it made playing kind of hard because the aim depended on the mouse's position yet I didn't know where that was. Specially problematic in browser because I'd sometimes click outside the game window. 2) The pacing could be a bit faster in the beggining, I almost quit before the levels started to get interesting. That said, the game was still clearly very well made, and it was juicy without overdoing it. Great job!

Nice, the controls are surprisingly decent for a jam game, and the concept is quite cool. I like the interpetation of connection in a mystical sense, and also liked how you leaned into the fact that the characters are bodies that collide with each other, making space in the platforms a problem. It would have been nice if each character had their own unique abilities, as right now it feels like you're more often completing each challenge twice instead of solving connection based problems (except for space).

Dear god.

(1 edit)

This is brilliant, although I really got lost when I got to the tic tac toe one.I also loved the super smash-like voice acting

Welp, I can't play this one :( Gets completely stuck when I press the key to start. A desktop export would be nice for when this kind of thing happens.

Interesting idea for a game. The sound was intersting too, but I felt like it became annoying quickly, probably because there was only one recording for each sound, so it lacked variety. Also the voices were quite hard to understand, particularly the ones in the tutorial. The puzzles are interesting but the lack of frequent checkpoints combined with a need for trial and error makes for quite frustrating gameplay.

For a jam game this one is incredibly polished. The controls are almost great, and I love the subtle scaling changes in the player character to give him more life. Too bad it doesn't have any sound, it would have improved the game quite a bit.